The First Of Seven - The Root Chakra

Thursday, February 23, 2023


The Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara Chakra, is the first of the seven main chakras in the human body and is associated with the color red. It is located at the base of the spine and represents our foundation and connection to the earth. This chakra is responsible for our sense of safety, security, and stability.

When our Root Chakra is balanced, we feel grounded, confident, and secure. We have a strong sense of belonging and a feeling of being connected to the world around us. On the other hand, when this chakra is imbalanced, we can experience feelings of fear, insecurity, and instability. We may struggle with feelings of disconnection, abandonment, or a lack of purpose in life.

About The Chakra

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About Muladhara png


There are three states that your Root chakra can be in - Balanced, Too open, Blocked. Depending on the state that your root chakra is in, you will experience different emotions and behaviors. If it is not balanced, you may even encounter emotional and physical dysfunctions. To help you self-diagnose the state of your root chakra, you may run through the “personal checklist” and see if you agree with any of the statements. If you do, there is a high chance that you have work to do!

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Balance and Healing

A balanced Root chakra manifests in a sense of peace, safety, and security, mainly in the areas of basic needs, personal finance, and emotional stability. To balance and strengthen it, there are several things you can do:

  • Practice grounding exercises: Grounding exercises help to connect you to the earth and bring balance to your Root Chakra. Some common grounding exercises include walking barefoot on the earth, yoga poses like tree pose, and visualizing roots growing from the soles of your feet into the earth.
  • Use aromatherapy: Essential oils like Lavender and Cedarwood are associated with the Root Chakra and can help to balance and strengthen it. You can diffuse these oils, add a few drops to your bath, or even simply inhale them directly from the bottle.
  • Focus on nutrition: Eating nourishing, grounding foods can help balance the Root Chakra. Foods like root vegetables, red fruits, and nuts are particularly helpful.
  • Meditate: Meditation can help to calm and balance the Root Chakra, reducing feelings of fear and insecurity. You can focus on visualizing a red light at the base of your spine during meditation to help balance this chakra.
  • Surround yourself with red: The color red is associated with the Root Chakra, so incorporating it into your life can help balance this chakra. You can wear red clothing, decorate your home with red accents, or simply focus on the color red during meditation.

By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you can help bring balance and harmony to this important energy center so that energy can flow upwards to the 2nd chakra - Sacral Chakra!

If you're looking for a quick and easy method to balance ALL seven chakras in 21 minutes, check out our flagship Isoalignment Code program here!

If you're looking for a quick and easy fix to balance ALL seven chakras in 21 minutes, check out our flagship Isoalignment Code program here!

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